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Daring Greatly™ and Rising Strong™ are educational small group programs based on the research of Brené Brown, PhD. In these programs we explore topics such as vulnerability, courage, authenticity, shame, and worthiness. Through exercises and discussion we examine the thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that are holding us back, and we identify the new choices and practices that will move us toward more authentic and wholehearted living.  The primary focus is on developing tools for greater emotional resilience and daily practices that transform the way we live, love, parent, and lead.

The Daring Greatly™ program is based on Brené’s bestselling 3rd book of the same name. It is about learning to truly show up wholeheartedly in your life through embracing your own worthiness, practicing healthy vulnerability, becoming more resilient to shame, and connecting deeply with the values you hold dear. You will build the courage to go out into the arenas of your life as your genuine self, to truly connect with the people you hold dear and to dare to go after your dreams.

Rising Strong™ is a program based on Brené’s 4th book of the same name. It is about recognizing the stories that you tell yourself about your life, particularly about the moments when you stumble. These stories shape our thoughts, emotions and actions, and reckoning with them empowers you to take a fresh look at your emotions and internal narrative. It is about how to get up after you stumble and have the courage to go forward wholeheartedly as you write brave new endings to your stories.

Each program stands on its own and either one can be completed first. Groups are kept to 10 participants or fewer and meet either in weekly format – 2 hours each week over the course of 8 weeks – or as 2.5- or 3-day weekend workshops. Both formats allow you to develop trust and rapport within the group, creating a safe space to practice vulnerability. Each section includes new concepts, tools and interactive exercises to bring the content alive and allow you to move beyond just understanding the material to applying Brené’s research to how you live and connect with others. To add to the live group process, Brené makes one or more visits in each section through exclusive video clips – in these she illustrates key concepts through stories from her research and her own life experience.

Registration for the Daring Greatly™ 8-Week Virtual Group starting May 14th has closed. Details for additional 2020 programs coming soon.

Brené & Jessica

I am so deeply grateful to Brené Brown for the impact her stories and research have had on my own life – so much has been transformed for me through her work! It has been an amazing journey to share her wisdom with others since the fall of 2014 as part of the Daring Way™ community.

This photo is from a magical moment at Courage Camp for the Daring Way™ facilitators in 2016 – note that Brené Brown is not present at these workshops and groups.

Details for additional 2020 programs coming soon.

Free 15-minute consult to learn more about the Daring Greatly™ & Rising Strong™ programs.

Space is limited - Reserve your place for the next offering of Daring Greatly™ or Rising Strong™!

Diverse Hands Meeting
“This was an incredible group! 8 weeks was too short, I wish it went on forever! Jessica provides a safe place to explore your authentic self and your struggles with vulnerability. I left feeling like the world wasn’t such a scary place.”
Alicia S.

Vulnerability Quote
Benefits of the Daring Greatly™ and Rising Strong™

Would you like less of this?

  • You find yourself being afraid to show up in your life as your true self – you think that others would find you unlikable (and unlovable) if they could see your flaws.
  • You can be patient and understanding when other people mess up, but you trigger an angry tirade from your inner critic if you make a mistake yourself.
  • You struggle with perfectionism – you work harder and harder in the pursuit of lofty standards that seem to always be just out of reach and then beat yourself up for not being able to get there.
  • You find yourself saying “yes” to far more commitments than you can actually honor and then feel like you are being crushed under the weight of your responsibilities.
  • You feel disconnected – like you are going it alone and having to bear the weight of your life without the support you really need.

And more of this?

  • You recognize the strength and power of being vulnerable with people who have earned your trust.
  • You show up authentically and courageously in all dimensions of your life.
  • You reclaim the energy used by your inner critic to beat yourself up and use it instead to be fully engaged in each thing you do and to realize your full potential.
  • You treat yourself with the love and compassion that you would want any human being to receive.
  • You release the pressure of perfectionism and strive for excellence that is attainable, allowing for healthy growth and authentic enjoyment of your life.
  • You set healthy boundaries and say “yes” when you mean “yes” and “no” when you mean “no.”
  • You balance your responsibilities with relaxation and play.
  • You cultivate vulnerable, nourishing relationships and experience genuine love and belonging.
Diverse People Smiling

If you can see yourself in any of these statements, the Daring Greatly™ and Rising Strong™ are powerful tools for you to use to begin transforming your life. They are an opportunity to connect with other people who can relate to your struggles and are looking for the same positive changes in their lives. A small-group setting provides a safe container in which you can explore topics like vulnerability, values, emotional resilience and self-compassion in a supportive environment. You can then take what you learn with you into all the arenas of your life – from family to careers and from friendship to creative pursuits.

“It is actually unbelievable how powerful this work as been for me. I find myself waking up excited to conquer the day thanks to new found hope in my capabilities and potential for growth. My connections with my friends and family feel stronger than ever and it’s truly amazing how much more people affirm their love for me now that I’ve felt the courage to let my true colors and feelings shine (including my love for them). In sharing my vulnerabilities with others, they feel more open to share theirs with me. Thank you for being kind, patient and facilitating a wonderful workshop. And please let me know if you hold a subsequent one! I would love to continue doing this work!”
Casey B.

Details for additional 2020 programs coming soon.

Free 15-minute consult to learn more about the Daring Greatly™ & Rising Strong™ programs.

Space is limited - Reserve your place for the next offering of Daring Greatly™ or Rising Strong™!

Owning Story Quote
Details of Upcoming Workshops


The next Daring Greatly™ workshop coming in fall 2020.


Fall workshop location TBA.


The regular program cost for the 3-day weekend workshops $675. Register at least 2 weeks prior to the start date to save $78 for a total fee of $597. This includes live facilitated sessions in a small-group environment (no more than 10 participants), catered lunches and snacks, and all course materials and supplies.

Details of Upcoming Virtual Groups

Zoom Virtual Groups

Zoom is a free and easy to use video chat platform that allows all participants in the group to see and hear one another. Past participants have been pleasantly surprised by the level of connection and deep conversation that this platform allows. Zoom allows you to gather with other participants from diverse locations and access the call from home, the office, while traveling, etc – wherever it works best for you.

Deeper Dive – 1:1 Coaching

Combine the group experience with weekly coaching sessions for deeper, more personalized change. Add a discounted package of ten 60min Zoom coaching sessions to the 8-week program. Get the flexibility you need with custom scheduling and the ability to Zoom in from the location of your choice.

The first session will give you time to plan your approach to the 8-week program and make sure you get the most out of the process. Then get 1:1 time with Jessica weekly to deepen your understanding of the topics, apply them to your life, and get supportive accountability to help the change stick for the long term. Wrap up the program and use the last session to go forward with a clear plan to sustain your transformation.


Details for upcoming Daring Greatly™ and Rising Strong™ virtual groups coming soon.


8-Week Group Program

$600 – Regular Program Fee

$497 – Early Bird Rate – Register at least 1 week prior to the start date and save $100

This includes live facilitated Zoom sessions in a small-group environment (no more than 8 participants), three 30min 1:1 coaching sessions, and a course workbook and other materials (mailed to the address of your choice).

8-Week Program & Deeper Dive

$2497 Regular Rate

$1497 Special 2020 Rate – Save $1000!

Includes all components of the 8-week group program above plus ten 60min 1:1 coaching sessions via Zoom for a highly individualized program to allow you to create the deep transformation you’ve been seeking.

The Small Print: Practicing Boundaries

While the Daring Greatly™ & Rising Strong™  programs provide space for deep learning, growth, and connection, they are not clinical programs. They are not intended to diagnose or treat any health condition, nor are they meant as a subsitute for medical care, individual or group therapy, a recovery program, a disordered eating treatment program, or any other clinical program. If you are not sure whether these programs are the right fit for you at this moment in your life, please feel welcome to set up a free consult with Jessica

Create a Wholehearted Spring - Early Bird Pricing Until 1 week Prior to the Group or Workshop: Save $100!

Share this Experience with Someone You Care About - Register with a Friend, Partner or Family Member and You Each Get $50 Off!

“Thank you for a life-changing group experience. I am grateful to be vulnerable yet worthy.”
Gina C.

Marble Jar
“Daring Way allowed me to lovingly push my own boundaries.”
Jesse S.

Free 15-minute consult to learn more about the Daring Greatly™ & Rising Strong™ programs.

Space is limited - Reserve your place for the next offering of Daring Greatly™ or Rising Strong™!

Vulnerability Quote
What Participants Have to Say…
“The Daring Way class was a wonderful opportunity for growth and creativity. It helped me to realize that perfectionism and feeling the need to protect and plan during moments of joy prevent me from fully living and keep others from seeing my authentic self. Through this class, I have cultivated self-love and wonderful, deep relationships. If you have the desire to grow in any area of your life, this class is an opportunity not to miss!”
Jessica T.

“I grew so much and got so much out of this wonderful experience.”
Sola L.

“This was an incredible group! 8 weeks was too short, I wish it went on forever! Jessica provides a safe place to explore your authentic self and your struggles with vulnerability. I left feeling like the world wasn’t such a scary place.”
Alicia S.

“Through this group I have learned how to recognize shame and learn when I can be vulnerable. It has helped me live wholeheartedly and become the person I am truly meant to be.”
Sara Jo S.

“Jessica guides us through a series of self-exploration sessions in vulnerability, shame and courage. I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t benefit from this experience.”
Paul D.

“This workshop has provided me with tools to recognize triggers of shame and fear, cultivate behaviors that support my goals and values, and remember that I’m not alone in my struggles. I know myself more deeply and really recognize the need to love myself as I love others: with generosity, kindness, and compassion.”
Rachael F.

“The Daring Way group has been extremely valuable to my personal growth and self-awareness. I feel more present in my life and personal relationships and better able to handle thoughts of shame and inadequacy.”

“The information given and the testimonials shared by all were eye opening and convinced me that not only am I not alone in my struggles, but I can feel ok with who I truly am, the positives and the negatives. If you struggle with being human, this course can help.”
Joy B.

“I’ve learned how to live in a more wholehearted way. Through realizing I am not alone with my feelings and fears and building shame resilience, I have sturdied myself to take on life’s challenges with more grace and authenticity. I think everyone can benefit from learning more about Daring Greatly because it is learning about being human. I find that instead of hiding it, I now embrace my humanity in a more profound way. My paradigm is forever shifted.”
Camille K.

“This group has been one of the most meaningful practices I have engaged in for self-development. Learning about the wholehearted and the skills that they employ to be resilient to shame and remain strong through their vulnerability instead of fearing it as a weakness. It has all given me such hope and courage for the course of my future life. Do you want deeper, more authentic, more meaningful relationships in all aspects of your life, as well as the distinction to determine which ones are valuable to you? Don’t want to have to learn every darn thing the hard way first? This is the group for that! It’s hard, it’s painful, I won’t lie. But it’s also one of the most worthwhile things I’ve ever done. Good luck to you on your journey into the arena!”

Details for additional 2020 programs coming soon.

Free 15-minute consult to learn more about the Daring Greatly™ & Rising Strong™ programs.

Space is limited - Reserve your place for the next offering of Daring Greatly™ or Rising Strong™!

My Journey
Daring Way Model
I went through much of my life as an ardent perfectionist and over-achiever.  I was forever pushing myself so that even when I was doing something I loved, I felt an overwhelming pressure to perform.  There was little if any time to simply be present and enjoy the moment, and my inner critic had become much too loud.  I believed that this was simply part of my personality, something that could not be changed. Even when my harmful patterns led to debilitating health problems, I only managed to rest for a few months before I started to rebuild my to-do list.  When I finally woke up and realized my life needed to change, a mentor told me that it was “time to work on my perfectionism,” and recommended a book called Daring Greatly by an author who was new to me – Brené Brown, PhD.

Through Brené’s research and candid writing I finally realized the root of my unhealthy patterns: shame was running my life.  I was sinking all of my energy into a vortex of trying to prove my worthiness while at the same time trying to hide my imperfect self from the world.  I embarked on a new journey of finding a more vibrant and joyful way of being.  As it turned out this journey came too late to heal my marriage of over a decade, but it did come in time for me to have deep compassion for myself and my former husband in the process of divorce. I have learned that at the core of my experience is my relationship with myself.  As I have healed this central relationship, all of the other aspects of my life have been positively impacted.  I have cultivated a life where there is so much more joy, connection, gentleness and spaciousness than I had ever known before.  I have grown in my ability to hear my body’s needs, and my physical health is better than it has been in years. A few years ago, I could not have believed this fundamental reshaping of my life would be possible.

Worthiness Quote

Details for additional 2020 programs coming soon.

Free 15-minute consult to learn more about the Daring Greatly™ & Rising Strong™ programs.

Space is limited - Reserve your place for the next offering of Daring Greatly™ or Rising Strong™!